A Resource Guide To Divorce Mediation
As divorce mediators and parenting coordinators, it is essential for us to keep updated on the latest mediation trends. We are continually honing our skills and looking for fresh ways to stay current and connected to other professionals.
To stay current, we use a variety of online and offline sources to provide the best mediation for our clients and strengthen our business and professional relationships. These tools allow us to provide exceptional service to all our clients, ensuring they receive the best mediation available.
If you are looking for more information about divorce mediation, we are going to share some of our most valuable resources.
1. Therapists and divorce attorneys.
The most important resources to us, as divorce mediators, are the therapists and divorce attorneys with whom we confer with on a daily basis as they guide and educate us and allow us to bounce ideas off of them.
Too many times in this business, divorce mediators and divorce attorneys get “set in their ways” and refuse to look at situations in a different light or to educate themselves on the best ways to help their clients get divorced peacefully. However, having professionals who are willing to give us unbiased and useful information is invaluable as we can pass this information on to our clients and use it with them.
2. Attending court sessions.
Sitting in divorce court is also very valuable when it comes to helping our clients reach the necessary agreements to get divorced and stay out of court. Knowing how judges rule on certain issues and listening to what they say to attorneys and litigants in court, is very valuable when working with mediation clients in a confidential setting. It is essential to have relevant and up to date information for our clients when it comes to how judges might rule if they were to terminate mediation and litigate.
3. Continuous training.
Ongoing training is also vital in the divorce mediation business. Laws change, legal language evolves, and there are always new ways to help people reach equitable agreements in mediation. If you are working with a divorce professional who does not attend ongoing training, be careful working with them, as they may not be experienced about what is current or have the necessary tools to assist their clients in navigating the divorce process.
4. The internet.
Good or bad, the internet is an excellent source of information. Though many websites provide excellent information for people contemplating or going through a divorce, there are others that are detrimental to those considering or already going through the divorce process. Be careful when something you read appears too good to be true, does not apply to the state you live in or seems to be a ploy to get you to hire this person as your attorney, divorce mediator or divorce coach. There are many reputable websites, with www.mediate.com and www.divorcemagazine.com to name a few.