The Future Of Divorce Mediation
Over the past few years, the number of divorce mediation cases have increased. Many couples are beginning to see mediation as a beneficial option to dissolve their marriage or officially split-up. It offers them more flexibility and privacy. Mediation has also proven to be significantly affordable and less time consuming than litigation. At the same time, studies have shown that the effects on children are lessened when people mediate and stay out of court.
At C.E.L. & Associates, Inc., we’ve noticed a steady increase in the number of our divorce mediation cases. We’ve even witnessed people garner more control over their divorces by choosing mediation over litigation. To help you understand the progression of this form of settlement, here are our predictions for the future of divorce mediation as experts in this industry.
More people to choose mediation over litigation.
We predict that in the coming months and years, more people will look for alternatives to litigation and choose to mediate their divorce. This will help people save money and ensure equitable agreements that make sense for everyone as opposed to the win or lose judgment of the court. Moreover, it will keep the best interests of children at the forefront of the process and help ensure both parents remain positive co-parents for their children.
Sadly, with our background of working with domestic violence families, we know that, as part of some divorces, there is physical, financial, sexual, and emotional violence. Though mediation cannot prevent this from happening, a divorce mediator trained in domestic violence could help make the divorce process easier than if the parties litigated in court.
People will refer to mediation more.
Another prediction is that people will no longer look to litigate first as mediation is being recognized as a positive and productive alternative to litigation. When people contemplate divorce, many times, they reach out to friends, family, or co-workers who have been divorced or a therapist they are working with. In fact, many of our client referrals come from past clients and therapists who we have professional relationships with. That’s because the more people mediate, the more likely they are to tell others contemplating divorce about their successful mediation process.
Mediator businesses will grow.
From divorce mediation and parenting coordinator firm’s perspective, with more and more people choosing to mediate their divorce, our business, and other mediators businesses, are bound to grow and increase. Though this will naturally increase our revenue, at C.E.L. & Associates, Inc., we will continue to measure our growth by the number of people we’ve helped.
We see ourselves getting a little busier but not to the point where we are unable to give each family we mediate for 100% focus. Unlike some in this industry who will continue to take on new cases no matter what, we don’t. During a consultation with a couple, we help them see how mediation works to boost their trust and confidence in the process. We explain how we help them when an issue comes up and how we remain neutral throughout the process. At the time of the consultation, we also let clients know that if they don’t feel comfortable with us or our style of mediation, they have other options. If they want to have a mediation with someone else, we are happy to give them the names of other mediators whom we trust.
As professionals, we see our clients as real people who we help work their way through one of the most challenging times in their lives. We enable them to focus on the future and what is suitable for their entire family. Similarly, we do our best to keep our clients out of court and litigation.
We hope that more professionals in this industry will work in a similar fashion, especially those who focus on litigation and aim to win at all costs. We also hope they will shift their focus away from their litigation mentality, towards peaceful mediation procedures.
The Bottom Line
Mediation is a win for our clients and every client who chooses it as a means to officially split-up. Nothing would make me happier than being too busy to take on a new client and referring them to another mediator I trust. If I am busy, this means other mediators are busy, and if they are busy, that means more and more people are choosing to mediate their divorce and recognize the benefits.
Given the way divorce mediation is growing in demand, we hope to see more divorce professionals accept it. We expect to see more legal experts moving away from litigation and money extraction methods to a more peaceful and cost-effective approach. Though they may not make as much money per client this way, they will have more satisfied clients, which means more referrals and ultimately more income. It’s a win-win for everyone, especially the client and their children.
We hope that mediation is the first step in every divorce. We want to see a divorce system where attorneys, litigation, custody battles, and the win or lose mentality is eliminated from divorce.
Finally, except for a very small percentage of people going through a divorce, we believe that everyone can keep their divorce peaceful. Unfortunately, until the divorce industry makes a fundamental shift toward mediation, and away from the courts and litigation, our above predictions will take longer to come to fruition.
As expert parenting coordinator and divorce mediators in Chicago, IL, C.E.L. & Associates, Inc., aims to facilitate divorces in a way that isn’t frustrating or draining. We encourage conversations among people going through a separation, divorce, and post-decree issues. We further assist them with the break-up of their marriage and re-structuring of their family unit.
Our compassion, experience, and rational style help us guide our clients through any problematic situation. To make a divorce less demanding, we also offer resources through other professionals who may be needed to help you through the transition.
Visit our website to learn more, or get in touch with us here!