Dividing the Burial Plot in Divorce

Author: External Author | | Categories: child custody , co mediation , Cost Effective , divorce attorney , divorce lawyer , divorce mediation , divorce mediator , family mediation services , marital mediation , mediation training , parenting coordinator

As I work with more “grey divorce” couples, I’m finding that there may be an overlooked asset that needs to be divided or assigned to one of the spouses, and that is a cemetery burial plot.  A burial plot is treated for most purposes as being unlike any other piece of real or personal property.  One does not own the actual land where the burial plot is. One only buys the right to be buried in the burial plot so long as the cemetery remains a cemetery. The right to be buried in a certain plot is known as “the exclusive right of sepulture” and cemetery administrators must follow specific laws as to who can be buried in a plot.

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Original Article Source Credits: Mediate India , https://www.mediate.com/

Article Written By : Mary Salisbury

Original Article Posted on : January 2020

Link to Original Article:  https://www.mediate.com/articles/salisbury-burial-plot.cfm