Tips from a family mediator in Chicago for a successful co-parenting relationship
A family mediator in Chicago helps parents who may not have the best relationship develop a new one for the sake of their children. After a marriage or relationship ends, it can be difficult for parents to restructure their relationship. However, many studies indicate that children thrive when there is less conflict between their parents. A family mediator in Chicago can help the parties build a new foundation for the best interests of their children in the following ways:
Focus on the Children
During a divorce, a couple may be at odds against each other. They may feel wronged or betrayed. A family law mediator focuses the attention back on the children. This continues to be an objective consideration throughout the process. Rather than thinking what is best for either parent, the question becomes what is best for the children.
Provides Realistic Expectations
A family law mediator gives both parents a reality check. They may believe that they will get everything that they want out of court without considering the possibility of what will happen if they don’t. A family law mediator can describe the possibilities if the parties are unable to reach an agreement.
Structure a Clear Agreement
One of the most significant benefits of mediation is the possibility to leave with a tailored agreement that is based on the needs of the parties and their children. The parenting plan may be structured and highly specific by including detailed provisions about holidays, regular visits, vacations, time with extended family, types of permitted contact, specific hours and times for contact and other information.
A family law mediator can also help the parties by acknowledging their resilience and ability to work through a challenging relationship for the sake of their children.