Family & Divorce Mediators Serving Langlade County, WI
Langlade County Divorce Mediation & Parenting Coordinator Services
Divorce mediation services can be arranged during all phases of the divorce process. Our divorce mediators primarily help couples through separation, divorce and post-decree issues and assist the break-up of their marriage and re-structuring of their family unit.
For clients who choose to complete the divorce process without the assistance of an attorney/attorneys, we are able to draft the required legal documents for you to take to your county's Clerk's Office for filing. This will save you both money and time vs. hiring lawyers to draft the legal documents for you.
At CEL & Associates, we provide divorce mediation and parenting coordinator services across Langlade County, Wisconsin. As experienced mediators in Langlade County, Wisconsin, we help couples reach an equitable compromise through effective communication. If you are going through a divorce, thinking about separation, or facing a communication breakdown post-divorce, let us help you. Our mediators will help the conversation flow in a healthy manner to avoid conflict and reach a productive resolution instead of resorting to tiresome court processes and exorbitant legal fees.
Post-decree divorce agreements in Langlade County, Wisconsin
At CEL & Associates, we provide Post Decree Divorce mediation services to help ex-spouses navigate parenting challenges that arise after the divorce has been finalized. This is usually after a couple of years when both parties have adapted to their new lives and no longer involve the other parent in their decisions. A change in employment, living circumstances, or financial situation can require discussing new parenting schedules. As divorce mediators in Langlade County, Wisconsin, we help both parties voice their concerns and address issues that need to be changed in their parenting agreement. We help parents reach an equitable compromise that will benefit their children.
A mediator is often the best option as they become a neutral party to the discussion. This allows both parents to share their views and mutually decide on the best way forward - without the hassle of court proceedings or the possibility of an unfair judgment. As your mediator, we help the conversation flow in a healthy manner to avoid conflict and enable both parties to reach common ground.
We also provide divorce mediation, parent coordinator services, pre-decree divorce agreements, co-mediation, marital family mediation, and online mediation services throughout Langlade County, Wisconsin and surrounding areas.
Why choose us!
With decades of experience, we at CEL & Associates have helped people across Langlade County, Wisconsin deal with the challenges of separation. This includes parenting responsibilities, finances, child support, and the division of assets. As experienced mediators, we facilitate conversations that couples struggle to have on their own. We are committed to helping them maintain a positive co-parenting relationship through an honest, straightforward, and respectful approach.
If you are looking for a divorce mediator in Langlade County, Wisconsin, please call us today for a free consultation.