Family & Divorce Mediators Serving Wausau, WI
Wausau Divorce Mediation & Parenting Coordinator Services
Divorce mediation services can be arranged during all phases of the divorce process. Our divorce mediators primarily help couples through separation, divorce and post-decree issues and assist the break-up of their marriage and re-structuring of their family unit.
For clients who choose to complete the divorce process without the assistance of an attorney/attorneys, we are able to draft the required legal documents for you to take to your county's Clerk's Office for filing. This will save you both money and time vs. hiring lawyers to draft the legal documents for you.
As experienced mediators in Wausau, Wisconsin, we facilitate conversations through an honest, straightforward, and respectful approach. We are committed to guiding couples to a resolution that works for their situation while being accepted by the court. This includes parenting agreements, financial arrangements, asset division, and relationship restructuring after separation. Working with an experienced mediator gives you and your partner control over your decisions - instead of the court deciding for you. We will help you understand your options and explain the process so you can make a confident decision on how you wish to proceed.
What exactly is mediation? Think of it this way. You and your spouse have decided to file for divorce. Emotions run high, and neither of you can make concrete decisions without resorting to conflict. It is just words flying all over the place with no productive result. You are exhausted, stressed, and worried. While you do have the option to go to court and fight it there, it could cost you a substantial amount of money in legal fees. And even if you choose to do so, the outcome may not always be in your family's best interest.
Now, if you work with a mediator, you are in control of the end result. You and your spouse decide on the divorce details and protect your children from additional stress. A mediator helps you have conversations about important things constructively and respectfully. They create an engaging process that ensures both parties feel heard and valued. By paying attention to every concern, they pinpoint the issues that need to be addressed and guide the conversation to a productive result. Couples are able to make equitable decisions compliant with the law and move on with their lives peacefully.
Divorce mediation services in Wausau, Wisconsin CEL & Associates provides divorce mediation and parent coordinator services across Wausau, Indiana. We help couples make better decisions regarding parenting, property, finances, and other settlement issues. With over 20 years of combined experience, we have worked with couples across Wausau, Indiana, and helped them resolve their divorce peacefully.
If you would like to learn more about our divorce mediation services in Wausau, Wisconsin, please give us a call.